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Family Themed Halloween Costumes

I LOVE a good costume, especially a family theme. Usually I can persuade my family to participate. I also love the challenge of creating the costumes on a budget. Look around the house, dig through the closets, you'd be surprised how much you probably already have in your house. Each year, I try to buy the minimum amount of costumes and if I do buy anything I make sure it's something we can use again. Here are a few of our past costumes...enjoy

Halloween 2014 - The One With All The Decades

This was a fun one to put together - Let the kids help, they are more creative than we think. Here are a few pics for inspiration.

Halloween 2015 - The One With All The Seasons


We used some old dance costumes, added in a few accessories and done! Face paint is also a fun addition to any costume.

Halloween 2016 - The One With The Princesses

Daddy is our favorite PRINCE. Sure you can buy traditional princess costumes - but we had fun making ours! We had just been on a Disney Cruise and used these as our costumes on the ship. A few tank tops and some sparkle is all you need. pictured: Jasmine-Tiana-Snow White-PRINCE-Belle-Arial

Halloween - 2017 - The One With No Theme

Sometime you just have to give in and let them do their thing. I still go by the rule - spend as little money as possible and only buy things you can wear again. Notice the poodle skirt is a repeat from a few year back (fun fact: it was actually mine for a dance recital in 1995) - Angel costume made with random white fabric - Hawaiian outfit made with items from the "dress up" stash and Wonder Woman made with a store bought shirt and other items we already had.

Halloween 2018 - The One With The Animals

Zookeepers and the animals!! Make some masks, paint your face, add some ears - and you have a costume! Our youngest had a blast making her peacock mask - the pig already had a pink dress - zookeepers, denim shirt, khaki pants, and boots(already owned) zebra- just painted a shirt and the lion just needed a fuzzy vest! I think this is a super cute and easy family costume. **links are for similar items**

Halloween 2019 - The One With Sprinkles

Our favorite ice cream flavors. Our youngest made ice cream cone hats (we used birthday party hats and covered them with paper) Dad just needed a bow tie and apron. The girls got sweatshirts(which they still wear) Cut up some paper and make sprinkles! If you have a kid who needs more sparkle - get her a tutu skirt and then she can wear it for Christmas! *links for similar items*

Halloween 2013 - American Girl

This year I was a little ambitious - I made costumes for each girl to match their American Girl. It was a lot of work - but so fun!!

Halloween 2020 - still undecided as to our costumes - any suggestions?

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